Date: November 23rd 2015

Hey everyone,

Here’s something to do the week after Thanksgiving, so you can eat all that turkey (or whatever) and shop at all the stores (or be like REI and Opt Outside!!). And then after all of that, come out and help us clean up the PCT. After last week’s storm, we have logs down and tread to restore.


We need 4-6 Certified Chain Saw Sawyers and 4-6 swampers (the people who help clear the limbs and bucked logs) are needed both Saturday December 5th  and Monday December 7th


A or B level sawyers are welcome, please note in your reply your certification level. 


There will be a maximum of 6 miles hiking round trip, depending on how far we get in.

You will need to wear long pants and long sleeves and sturdy boots. We plan to do the work rain or shine, and request that all crew members wear non-cotton clothing to reduce the risk of hypothermia. Please bring your lunch, snacks and water for the day too. Also, work gloves (and maybe some warm ones for when not working!) and a hard hat if you have one.

We will supply the tools, saws and PPE for the sawyers. We will also have hard hats for any who need one and will have gloves as well. And any instructions that might be needed too. Roberta Cobb is the crew leader.

So, does this sound like fun? Please hit reply or send me an e-mail at and I’ll get you on the crew list. PLEASE indicate which date you are interested going out on, Saturday or Monday. Once the crews are full, Roberta will send out an e-mail with all the particulars about meet up times and place and carpooling opportunities too.

Thanks for considering this one,


Tammy Turner

Volunteer Coordinator

PCTA Mt. Hood Chapter






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Volunteers for the Mount Hood Chapter of the Pacific Crest Trail Association maintain the 217 miles of PCT between Midway Meadows south of Washington's Goat Rocks Wilderness and Park Ridge in Oregon's Mount Jefferson Wilderness.

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